Greyhound Way
Greyhound Way Center operates 4 part-day sessions; 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. These classrooms all operate similarly, running 3.5 hours Monday – Thursday. It is the individual personalities of the children and staff that make each classroom unique and special! The Suns and Butterfly classrooms are fully inclusive and run in partnership with the Pullman School District for children with special needs and IEP’s. CCCC Teachers work along side Pullman School District Special Education staff to provide services for all children in the classroom. Limited transportation is provided for children with special needs and families with special transportation circumstances and challenges.
530 NW Greyhound Way.
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-334-9290
Fax: 509-332-5108
The Suns and Butterfly AM sessions run from 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM, and provide both breakfast and lunch to children. Besides meals, our daily schedule includes circle / large group, 45 minutes of free choice play and exploration, opportunities for small group interaction and instruction, and 30 minutes of outdoor / gross motor time each day! Daily lesson planning creates fun and interesting activities for children to engage in and learn from. Field trips and invited classroom guests (including parents) enrich our curriculum studies. We have a holistic approach to development, with an emphasis on building a strong social – emotional foundation in each child. Our Lead Teacher / Family Advocate will meet with parents 4 times through-out the year in Home Visits and Parent – Teacher Conferences to create a partnership which supports their child’s development.
The Suns and Butterfly PM sessions run from 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM, and provide lunch and an afternoon snack to children. Besides meals, our daily schedule includes circle / large group, 45 minutes of free choice play and exploration, opportunities for small group interaction and instruction, and 30 minutes of outdoor / gross motor time each day! Daily lesson planning creates fun and interesting activities for children to engage in and learn from. Field trips and invited classroom guests (including parents) enrich our curriculum studies. We have a holistic approach to development, with an emphasis on building a strong social – emotional foundation in each child. Our Lead Teacher / Family Advocate will meet with parents 4 times through-out the year in Home Visits and Parent – Teacher Conferences to create a partnership which supports their child’s development.